China is often a byword for mystery and deviation in the west. This can make the prospect of working in China discouraged for many expatriates. While there is no doubt that China can be a difficult place for foreigners, many preconceptions about working here are biased, if they are not poorly worked. Here I bring you five myths about working in China. Let's take a moment to weigh some of the different ideas that float and separate the fact of fiction. P>
Photo: William Emives p> 1. You will have to learn Chinese
Anyone who has been in China for more than five minutes has complied with the 10-year veteran expatriate that sails for life without effort without speaking a word of Chinese. Many people question how these monolingual foreigners survive, but it is actually surprisingly easy to work in China without speaking a word of Mandarin, especially if you live in a large cosmopolitan city. P>
First of all, most foreigners are hired specifically. For your ability to speak English. When it first begins in a new company, there is also almost always someone in the staff who already speaks some English. It is likely that this person is assigned specifically to help you navigate for the first months in China and acclimatize the work environment. P>
Out of work, subway and trains in China have translations into English, many restaurants have image menus, and there is almost always someone around somewhere that speaks a bit of English if it is jammed. In today's world, any situation that may require you to understand Chinese websites, applications and even talking to locals, can be handled quite well with translation applications. Obviously, your time in China will be easier and, possibly, more satisfying if you at least learn few simple phrases, but ultimately, the number of Chinese you want to learn depends on you. P> 2. It is totally well to work in China Largo -Terman in a business visa
A business visa is officially for foreigners of multinational companies or associated organizations to get to China for three months to work temporarily doing Training, reorganizations and consultations. Get a valid work visa (Visa Z) for long-term employment (typically one year) requires a large amount of time and hooping, so some Chinese companies are creative when contracting foreigners. They may suggest you work on a business visa (M Visa), which can be valid for years (depending on your country) whenever you only stay in China for up to three months at a time. As a result, many foreigners work in China for years in business visas when leaving and re-entering the country every three months. P>
While this is technically legal in a general sense, business visas are absolutely that those involved in long-term employment in China. While it can go unnoticed if you are lucky, it is not advisable to use this solution for several reasons. First, you can deny the entry in any step of the process for almost any reason, which means that you could nipar to Hong Kong for an execution visa and you will find yourself unable to enter China, where you will find your work, home , friends and family. Second, the different provinces define and punish the abuse of the visa differently, which means that, although some authorities can see a blind eye, others could investigate it intensively. P>
If it is found that it is abusing from the China's visa system, you could find yourself detained and / or deported, which in turn, you would see, forbidden the other other countries and drastically complicate the International travel for you in the future. Given the geopolitical tensions between China and several foreign countries at this time and the Tit-for-Tat visa retaliation, which have adequate paperwork are more important than ever. P> 3. Your Chinese co-workers will treat you as a stranger.
The historical and current rock ratio of China with the West has led to the idea that you are going to face non-lailing co-workers in China in the worst case, and
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