"The more I live in China, less I understand it." I heard some version of expatriates say this repeatedly and felt this way myself sometimes. While there is no substitute for living in and traveling around China itself, it is essential to know what books and writers to read if you want to fully understand the history, culture and politics of this enigmatic country. Here are seven books, facing the Western reader, expected to challenge and deepen their understanding of the Middle Kingdom < "center" align = p> p> Source :. they presented Nong Vang p> Nixon and Mao: The Week That Changed the World, Margaret MacMillan
A book I read very recently, Nixon and Mao: The week that changed the world, was inspired to write this article, first. It is also highly topical, given the relationship evolving between China and the US .. MacMillan takes the reader at the exact moment in which he laid the foundations of modern relationships and struggles among the most powerful nations of the world: Richard Nixon trip to Beijing in February 1972. in my opinion, this book is essential reading for any foreigner living in China. P> Shanghai Grand: Amor Prohibido and intrigue on the eve of World War II, Taras Grescoe
An ode to a lost age, this is the story of China, on the eve of the Japanese invasion, more than a decade before the communist takeover. From a stage at the famous Bund in Shanghai, Grescoe history is populated with historical characters, including the legendary journalist from The New York Times Emily Hahn, famous writer Ernest Hemingway, and Sir Victor Sassoon incredibly rich. While this story takes place less than a century, much it has changed in China it is hard to imagine what life was like back then. Grescoe manages to create a vivid and fascinating image of old Shanghai p> Mao :. The Unknown Story, Jung Chang and Jon Halliday
In this account very critical and Western-oriented life of Mao Zedong, Chang and Halliday provide first-hand reports of Mao's China. In recounting wars, famines devastating, deadly political intrigue and brutal policies Mao: The unknown story paints a picture of a nation and a man on the edge. While some scholars and journalists have debated the veracity of some of the statements in the book, and although it is openly one-sided, remains a revealing and has important one of the most enigmatic and polarizing figures of the 20th century Chang is also the author of the excellent wild swans memories. Both books are banned in China, so do not expect to buy here p> The unfinished revolution :. Sun Yat-Sen and the struggle for modern China, Tijo Kayloe
Sun Yat-Sen is one of the most important figures in the history of China. Born in Guangzhou in the Qing Dynasty in 1866, lived to see the fall of the last Chinese dynasty and was a crucial figure in the inclusion of China in the 20th century, a physician and a dissident by nature, widely traveled in the US .S. and lists of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln among his inspirations. Is today revered as a fervent nationalist and modernizing force, though his legacy is often overshadowed in the history books by communist takeover that came two decades after his death. This biography very balanced, which documents the successes and failures both Sun Yat-Sen, sheds light on one of the most interesting leaders of China p> The Rape of Nanking :. The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II, Iris Chang
If you ever become a television in China, you've probably seen a TV show or movie that represents some aspect of Japanese and such an invasion ever wondered why Chinese are so obsessed with this historic event. As the title of this book implies, many people outside China know very little about Japanese massacre in Nanjing (sometimes known as Nanking) in the late 1930s, a brutal event that a large part of t is formed
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