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How much can I earn teaching English in China?

How much can I earn teaching English in China?

If you're considering a career in teaching English abroad, China is definitely worth exploring. Not only will you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a rich and vibrant culture, but you'll also be able to earn a decent income while doing so.TEFL Jobs.asia highlights some of the top destinations for foreign teachers.

** How to Get started **

The Fastest way to get started teaching English in China is to complete an online TEFL to get qualified. Then with any BA Degree or higher you can find a job an secure a teaching work visa in China. First stop DreamTEFL.com for fast online TEFL certificates.

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Categories: teaching English China earn teacher considering abroad

★ ★★Beijing city

★ ★★Beijing city wanted English teacher ★ ★★High salary up to 30 k in total and great benefits ASAP!!!

Beijing, China

Full-time and Part-Time

Full-time and Part-Time Teachers Needed in ZHUHAI (near Macau)

Zhuhai, China

Public School (Suzhou,

Public School (Suzhou, Fall Start)

Suzhou, China

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