We prepare education in Shandong

Shandong, China | 7,000 to 9,000CNY per month

We prepare education in Shandong

job in shandong

* Location: Shandong
* Salary: 7,000 CNY- 9,000 CNY depends on education background(the university)
* Flight ticket or allowance
* Free Apartment provided
* Teaching Hours: Around 16-18hrs per week (approximately 3 to 4)
* Teaching Materials provided
* Travel Allowance
* 150 cny
* University Students
* Teaching Assistant provided
* Working visa provided
* Subjects teacher

- Native English speaking country passport holder
- Able to commit to a 1 year contract
- BA Degree or higher
- At least 2 years Teaching Experience required
- Criminal Background Check
- TESOL Certificate or equivalent
- Subjects teaching experience

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