Copy Editor

Unknown, China | full-time | 8,000 to 12,000CNY per month

Copy Editor

full-time job in Unknown

Job falls mainly into three categories:
The role involves editing copies, writing stories and producing online programs.
(1) Pitching story ideas and writing stories
(2) Copy-editing stories written by staff and from other media sources, writing headlines, reading proofs
(3) Helping production and development of other editorial materials ? producing written content, recording audio/video material, hosting new media programs, etc.
We are looking for motivated journalists who can work in a team and generate story/program ideas.
The ideal candidate would be/have:
1) Native English speaker.
2) University degree (bachelor?s or master?s) in journalism with over 2 years of working experience in either journalism or English teaching.
3) Proficiency at writing dynamic content, including appealing headlines.
4) Ability to work in a team atmosphere.
5) Ability to submit edited articles before a deadline.
Benefit package:
1) Generous salary plus paid vacation with a 12-month contract renewed annually
2) Exclusive free apartment with water, gas and electricity costs all covered, right next to the workplace
3) Free buffet lunch
4) Medical insurance
5) Cozy rest zones
6) Harmonious office atmosphere

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