High school AP Computer Science teacher

Shanghai, China | Full-time | 28,000 to 35,000RMB per month

High school AP Computer Science teacher

Full-time job in Shanghai

About Recruiter 23 applications Shanghai?High school AP Computer Science teacher wanted ASAP
1.School Location?Minhang District, Shanghai
2.School type: high school
3.Subject to teach?AP Computer Science
4.Weekly working days?Monday to Friday, except when Chinese government requires working on a Saturday and Sunday.
5.Weekly working hours?40 hours but 08:20-16:50
6.Weekly teaching hours? 20-25 class hour
7.Students age? Grade 9-12
8.Class size :20-25 students
9.Basic Salary?28-35K RMB/Month (negotiable) including housing.
10.Apartment?housing allowance
11.Flight Allowance successfully complete first year of employment, you will be able

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