Part Time & Full Time in Guangzhou, Haizhu - Up to 250RMB / hr (Saturdays)

Guangzhou, China | 14,000 to 16,000CNY per month

Part Time & Full Time in Guangzhou, Haizhu - Up to 250RMB / hr (Saturdays)

job in Guangzhou

1Full Time job: Salary and Benefits:

Monthly salary: after tax 14,000-16,000RMB

Festival: the same to the Chinese staffs , government holidays are paid

Housing allowance : yes

Additional: Accident insurance.

when expiration of contract we will pay for return airfares from Canada to Guangzhou.

Starting date : Now


2Part-time job: After tax: 220-250 RMB, 40minutes a lesson, paid monthly. Saturday teaching.



1. Love education, committed to development of education and professionalism

2. Minimum Bachelor education degree.

3. Minimum one year teaching experience.

4. With teaching credentials or language teaching certifications.

5. Native English speakers preferred.

Starting time: ASAP

Teaching Location: Guangzhou

Gender and Age: N/23-40


Job Description:

1. 22 office hours including 28-30 teaching periods per week, 40min per period.

2. Around 25 students per class. Teach students according to teaching plans.

3. Keep improving teaching skills, stimulate and maintain the students’ studying interest and creativity.

4. Actively participate in the school activities related to teaching.

5. Cooperate with Chinese teachers to ensure the students learning achievements.

6. Prepare every lesson and make props.


Teaching experience: Above one year or half a year teaching experience; and love teaching

Diploma: Bachelor degree or above

Teachers must provide the following documents : Degree / CV / TEFL / 2 REFERENCE LETTERS / PASSPORT / VISA

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