Start Any Time!!! No education and experience requirement, Up to 18K per month~

Xi\'an, China | 12,000 to 20,000CNY per month

Start Any Time!!! No education and experience requirement, Up to 18K per month~

job in Xi\'an

Location: Xi\'an City


  • Teaching Course: wonders teaching materials (PK1-G6)

  • Teaching Hours : 18 Classes per week, each class 40 mins, work off on Monday and Tuesday

  • Student\'s Age: 3-12

  • Class Size: no more than 10 students

  • Start Time: any time

  • Contract Length: one year



  1. native speaker from UK, US, Irish, Canada, New Zealand and Australia

  2. Energetic, Studious, love playing with kids

  3. Graduation from high school also acceptable

  4. No Teaching Experience also acceptable

  5. Age in 22 to 45



  • Salary: 12K-18K

  • Pay date: 10th of next month

  • Apartment: Provide

  • Work visa: of course If you are qualified,

  • Airport Reimbursement: Yes

  • Medical insurance: Yes

  • Chinese assistant: Yes

  • Holidays: Chinese Public Holidays

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