Zhejiang?China ESL teacher up to 20k/month with apartment

Wenzhou, China | 12,000 to 20,000CNY per month

Zhejiang?China ESL teacher up to 20k/month with apartment

job in Wenzhou

Location: Wenzhou City,Zhejiang


Teaching Course : DD Dragon teaching system

Teaching Hours : 28 teaching hour per week.

Student\'s Age: 3-12

Class Size: no more than 12students

Contract Length: one year


Base Salary: 12K-20K

Pay date: 15th of next month

Apartment: Provide

Work visa: Yes

Airport Reimbursement: Yes

Chinese assistant: Yes

Holidays: Yes


we hope you are:

  • Native speaker from UK, US, Irish, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, because of the work visa policy.

  • Energetic, Studious, love playing with kids

  • Bachelor degree or above




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