noborder Question:

hello; i am 28 years old, my nationality from pakistan but now i am doing job in kingdom of saudi arabia (KSA). i am professional Applied geologist, i have experience in geotechnical engineering, micro pilling (Bullivant Arabia company KSA). short period experience in BGP Arabia Co Ltd as a QC (seismic survey for oil and gas). even i teach to high level in english medium school/college. i teach Biology,earth related subject, social and general sciences. i am now looking for teaching job as will as geology related job.can you help me sir. thanks

Our Answer:

Dear Sir,

Thank you so much for your inquiry!

Unfortunately for Pakistan nationals we do not have any opportunities to work in China at the moment.


Have a nice day!



Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2017 18:23:25 +0000, 3478 views

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