noborder Question:

Hi I'm a Filipino (Philippines). I have over 3 years experience as Team Leader in various campaigns that supports customer service, sales and technical. However, I would be willing to fresh start my career and begin with entry level position as long as the salary and accomodation is a win for me. I hope there's an available job for me in Overseas.

Our Answer:

Thanks for your inquiry! 

Now we have a customer service consultant job available in Zhongshan, for the details you can click here :

Please noted, this job require you are in China now and have your own visa now.


And one teaching music job in Thailand , full details please click here :

Please note this job require a teacher who major in music and can teach piano .


Best regards,

Find Work Abroad


Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 02:04:05 +0000, 2626 views

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