noborder Question:

my son who is 20 has been offered a job teaching english in Chaoglang in beijing he has been sent a contract to sign but after doing more reasearch he does not qualify for a working z visa because he does not have a degree and has not done a TEFL course he is a native english speaker. I sounds like the work being offered would be on a tourist visa as he would not qualify otherwise. Do you think this job offer may be a scam?

Our Answer:

Hi there,

Thank you for your question.

First, I cannot say whether it is a scam or not.

Second, I would suggest you go trough the contract carefully once again before signing the contract, and you can talk with the interviewer of that school about the visa. It's very important for a foreigner to make sure what kind of visa you will apply for, otherwise, you will take a risk to work in China. 

Good luck.


Selina Yang

Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:35:57 +0000, 4340 views

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