noborder Question:

I have a Certificate of Higher Education (CetHE) in marine studies and a TEFL cert. I have taught in China before but onthe old business visa. Will I be able to get a proper Z visa? I am married to a chinese lady and I am in the process of getting my resident visa. Will my resident visa help the situation?

Our Answer:

Hi there,

Thank you for asking.

Now the schools in China, especially in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, would prefer teachers from native English speaking countries, such as America, Canada, England, Northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand etc, with bachelor degree in any field, and TEFL certificate--120 hours is better, so that the schools can help to apply for the working visa for foreign teachers. 

There are also some schools which can accept teachers to work with a business visa, please check the following links: 

Whether your resident visa can help or not, it depends on the schools. Generally speaking, most schools would still rather to help you to apply for the working visa if you are qualified for it.

Thank you!



Selina Yang

Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 17:27:08 +0000, 4329 views

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