noborder Question:

hi there.... I hold a Bachelors degree in Education & Language/Literature. I have 15 yrs of teaching experience teaching English to high school students. I taught in Fiji Islands and in 2008 migrated to USA and teaching In USA as a Substitute Teacher. What options do I have teaching abroad.

Our Answer:

Hi there,

Thank you for your question.

As you are an experienced ESL teacher, you will have a lot of options. I want to suggest you visit our website, and have a look at what jobs we have now. Actually we have jobs mainly in China, and we also have jobs in Thailand, if you are interested. 

The following links are for you to preview: 

If you want to apply for any jobs, please register on our website and apply, we can help to arrange interviews. Good luck!




Selina Yang

Date: Mon, 05 May 2014 17:02:50 +0000, 4436 views

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