noborder Question:

Shenzhen city is my first choice I do not have a B.A or AA. I would like to take the corse there. After I complete the course I want to teach there, Will I find work without a degree? How about flight cost? Also do I have to buy a round trip tickect or one way?

Our Answer:

Hi there,

Thank you for your question.

First, it's possible for you to find a job in Shenzhen or other cities without a degree, however, there will be less options and lower salary for you, what's more, without a degree you will not be able to apply for the working visa, which will make you risky to work in China.

Second, for the flight cost, you can visit this website for some air tickets with discount price: . You need to buy your own tickets when you first come to China, some schools may reimburse after half year or one year, but some schools will not do anything for your flight tickets.

Third, if you just want to have a trip to China, you can buy a round trip ticket; if you want to work here, one way.

Please feel free to ask if you have any other questions.



Selina Yang

Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 05:05:43 +0000, 15838 views

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