noborder Question:

How much is the monthly cost of living in China?

Our Answer:

Thank you for your question. The cost of living in China is substantially cheaper than that of the West and your salary goes a very long way in terms of purchasing power in China.

Foreign English teachers in China generally earn 3 to 5 times more than that of a local Chinese teacher.This allows for a very comfortable lifestyle in China with teachers being able to enjoy frequent meals at restaurants, weekend trips to other areas of China, weekly shopping trips.

Whereas in the west you may be able to save only a small percentage of your salary, with the lower cost of living in China, teachers can save up to 50% of their salary. Teachers who decide to eat at local restaurants and prepare their own meals, not go out partying too much and set themselves a budget can still live a comfortable life in China while also accumulating substantial savings.

It is definitely possible to put away 4,000 RMB (640 USD) per month which means at the end of a 12 month teaching contract plus the bonus you could have over  48,000 RMB (7,600 USD) saved up.

Generally cost of living in China is similar throughout these first and second tier cities however cities in the west of China are slightly cheaper than in the east. Some teaching positions are available in smaller towns where the living costs will be 20-30% lower. For teaching jobs in Shanghai and Beijing the cost of living is about 10-20% higher than other cities. Apartment rents can be 1,000-2,000 RMB (160-315USD) more per month than other cities, but it depends on what kind apartment you rent.

Amy Wen

Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 06:29:07 +0000, 3426 views

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