noborder Question:

Are there any official requirements for z visa, or it depends from case to case? If there are, but school claims to provide me with z visa even if i don't fulfill requirements, is that forgery?

Our Answer:


The requirements to process a working (Teaching) Z Visa are: Native English speaking nationality (UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, South Africa) with a 3 year BA Degree or Higher. If you graduated recently proof of 2 years or more work experience is also required (A letter from your employer) and a TEFL is needed if your BA degree is not in an education related field.

If you do not qualify for the above and a school still promises a working (Z) visa you should ask the following; Is the visa a teaching working visa or a professional/Management working visa. The Latter will still require a BA degree and proof of work experience if you graduated recently although a native english speaking country and TEFL is not necessary.

If you know you do not qualify and the employer still says they can get the working visa for you they may be lying and you should be a little cautious, they may then ask you to get a business or tourist visa; This is not recommended although if you wish to still go ahead the employer will usually have suitable connections with the government to allow you to work on a business or tourist visa without trouble. Regardless, You can still send your documents and if they provide the invitation for employment letter and you can obtain the working (Z) visa in your home country this will be fine. They may have special connections with the government which allows them to obtain this paper-work without the full documentation. If they do get it then you can safely continue.




Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 21:19:49 +0000, 6746 views

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