noborder Question:

Hi! I am an Industrial Engineer (Bachelor) from Peru (秘鲁), I am spanish native speaker, fluent in english and basic mandarin skill. I am working in a chinese EPCI company for around 2 years ( both in China and out of it). I used to have a part time job teaching spanish and english in Shanghai on weekends. I would like to know if there is an opportunity for me to work in Guangdong both teaching spanish, english or as Engineer. Thanks!

Our Answer:

Dear Karen,


Thank you very much for your inquiry.

Part time schools only arrange in person interview for teachers. At the moment we only have English part time jobs in Guangzhou. You can call us when you arrived in Guangzhou as part time jobs are easy filled.

Please apply online if we have any part time job suitable for you we will call you back.


Amy Wen

Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 04:08:13 +0000, 4281 views

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