noborder Question:

I am a black from Africa,i was an english teacher in my country.I have had so many difficulties havong a job because i am from country with mind to.come here and teach,no matter how skilled i am ,no body ones to listen,What.did Africans do?My native language is English and french,but no body believes that,why?i am so fostrated.

Our Answer:

Hi there,

Our sincere apologies for the troubles you are having finding a job in China.

Please keep in mind that when applying through an agency like ourselves our clients are paying us a fee for services and thus set the requirements higher making it much harder for us to place candidates of whom are not from the selected countries by the Chinese government for english teachers in China. 

Although, we cannot help with your application it is still possible for you to find a job with a smaller Kindergarten or school located in more remote areas of China, however you will need to contact these schools directly to get a job secured.


Wish you all the best on your job search in China.




Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2015 00:22:54 +0000, 3997 views

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