noborder Question:

Good day, I am a Bachelors degree in Public Administration and graduated with honors last 2012. I worked in Saudi Arabia and resigned from the company there. I am now in the Philippines to find a better job. I have a “Certificate of Proficiency in English’” and I speak English fluent, but, I don’t have a teaching experience but only in the classroom for assignments purposes. In this regard, I would like to have any kind of information that such an employer could me give me a chance to work in China or Japan. I can start working as soon as possible. If anyone can read this please contact my Philippine mobile number at 00639428600676. I desperately need a job. Please, anyone help me. Best regards, Bryan

Our Answer:

Dear Bryan,


Thank you for you inquiry. We will call you back in a short time.

In addition please email your application to: to guarantee we've received your application.

Have a nice day!


Amy Wen

Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 04:56:53 +0000, 3735 views

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