noborder Question:

Hello, I have an AA in liberal Arts, and I am in going into my jour year to get my bachelor degree. I will be able to do online classes to complete this degree. I am planning on living in Shenzhen, China in October. Do you see it possible for me to obtain a job? Do you have any advise where to look? I am considering the Visa that I have to leave every 2 months and come back in. My boyfriend got a teaching job, so I would be staying with him. I would just like to have some sort of income, while I attended online classes. Thank you

Our Answer:

Dear Madam,

Thank you very much for your inquiry!


According to your requirement ,please check the following jobs I recommend:








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Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 20:10:36 +0000, 3203 views

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