noborder Question:

Hi, I'm moving to Ningbo in two work visa went through OK but my new employer says I also need the embassy to prove the authentication of my uni degree and marriage certificate. When I asked at the Manchester embassy though, they said they did this is China, not the UK. Obviously everything is authentic as they gave me the visa, but not additional proof of this?! Has anyone recent experiences in getting an expert/work visa from the UK with the same issue? Did the UK branch provide you with proof for either of these? Thanks guys!

Our Answer:

Dear Sir,


Thank you for your inquiry. Once you've been issued the Z Visa in your home country you can enter China and continue the process. You would only need to get your documents legalized before the Z visa goes through. When you get to China on a Z visa the process is pretty much complete. It sounds like your employer is being over thorough with your application.



Date: Wed, 18 May 2016 13:42:03 +0000, 3351 views

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