salary up to 24K !!! Seeking qualified English Teacher in Hangzhou,a beautiful city

Hangzhou, China | 15,000 to 24,000CNY per month

salary up to 24K !!! Seeking  qualified  English Teacher  in Hangzhou,a beautiful city

job in Hangzhou

Position?English teacher for kindergarten

Job Descriptions:

Teaching content: English (teaching material provided)

Student age: 3-5 years old;

Class size: Less than 30 students per class

Work schedule: 5 days per week, Monday to Friday 8am-5pm.

School type: Kindergarten

Location: Hangzhou


Job Requirements:

Native English speaker

Teaching certificate (TEFL/TESOL/DELTA/CELTA 120hour+)

Bachelor degree or above (major in Education/ Early Education preferred)

2 years or above children teaching experience preferred

Age 22-45 preferred


Salary and Benefits:

Work visa provided

Monthly salary: 15K-24K

Airfare allowance: 5000yuan

Free accommodation

Insurance covered

winter vacation with 50% paid

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